Jef Verheyen - Window on Infinity
Chinese dream stone with poetic inscription: The snow and the moon reflect light back to each other, 19th century
Musée national des arts asiatiques – Musée Guimet, ParisIn the Musée Guimet, in Paris, Verheyen and Dani
Franque particularly admire the traditional Chinese
monochrome ceramics and paintings. Verheyen
explains: ‘My orientation towards the inner and to
Chinese art comes from ceramics and porcelain, of
which the monochromes are the high point. Both in
my ceramics and in my paintings I tried to achieve
a kind of essence that is beyond the formal.’
This Chinese dream stone also comes
from the Musée Guimet. The circular, lunar shape
and the title point towards Verheyen’s later works.