The Belgian ZERO artist Jef Verheyen (1932-1984) became known as the painter of light streams and colour spectra. He experimented not only with light, but also with movement and the invisible as means to evoke natural mechanisms and to reveal universal interrelationships between human beings and the surrounding world. He used geometric principles – his passion for geometry was born out of his interest in mathematics and (Greek) philosophy – as the basis for harmony. Verheyen never gave up on traditional media and materials such as the canvas, paint, and brushes to search for the essence of our nature. 

Jef Verheyen

375 Grand Oeuvre - Ivo Michiels 10 Texte / Jef Verheyen 10 Variationen zu Dia (ed. 92), 1981
Gerhard and Anna Lenz, Lenz Schönberg Collection, Schönberg, Austria
Multiple , 68 x 52 cm portfolio, 65 x 50 cm each lithograph (20)
Portfolio with 10 lithographs and 10 texts (lithographs), Rives France paper

The portfolio Grand Oeuvre - Ivo Michiels 10 Texte / Jef Verheyen 10 Variationen zu Dia consists of ten original lithographs by Jef Verheyen, and ten texts by Ivo Michiels, also lithographs. They are all drawn and written on the stone directly and personally. 

The individual sheets are Rives deckle-edge paper, printed directly from the stone. 

The cover is white and entitled in large green letters: 'Grand Oeuvre'.

The colophon page is entitled in large green letters: 'Ivo Michiels 10 Texte / Jef Verheyen 10 Variationen zu Dia'. Below Erker Press. 

The portfolio shows alternately a sheet of text by Michiels and a lithograph showing a 'Dia' by Jef Verheyen:

1. square
2. trapezium
3. diabolo
4. megaron (Z-shaped)
5. diabolo
6. turned pyramid
7. megaron (turned N-shape)
8. megaron
9. triple square
10. megaron

Verheyen's drawings are grisailles.

The texts are red in the beginning, and then evolve from purple to blue. 

Verheyen's lithographs are numbered on the bottom left (/92), numbered on the center (/10) and signed on the bottom right, all with pencil.

Published by Erker Verlag (Erker Press), Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, Autumn 1981.

Edition of 92 + I-X


  • The Zero Era: The Lenz Schönberg Collection, Vol. 1, 2009.

  • The Zero Era: The Lenz Schönberg Collection, Vol. 2, 2009.

  • Jef Verheyen - Met Boog en Pijl in de Vlakte / Frank Heirman. - Borgerhout : S&S Galerie, 2013. - niet-genummerd van 56 niet-genummerde exemplaren. -  : ill. ; 24 x 16.4 cm